Category: Blog

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5 Cash Flow Challenges Businesses Will Face in 2023

Whether or not you believe the economy will tip into a recession this year, you can’t deny uncertainty is the talk of the town—or that it has cast its shadow over business decisions. Both business owners and the professionals who work with them will face a swirl of conditions over the next year, but whatever […]

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4 Ways Factoring Can Help a Seasonal Business

“Cash is king” is perhaps the most universally accepted business phrase of all time. Without cash, a business can’t operate. It’s required to meet payroll, pay operating expenses, and invest in growth. Long-term positive cash flow is also a prerequisite to secure traditional financing, such as a bank loan. Seasonal businesses operate under a unique […]

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Factoring as a Stepping Stone to Becoming ‘Bankable’

Picture an outstanding high school athlete who is devoted to their sport. They have aspirations of making it to the pros, but there are lots of barriers between dreams and reality: their academics being the biggest factor. Instead of taking summer courses and attempting to get their grades up to make them admissible to four-year […]

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Sky Helps Automotive Quality Assurance Staffing Company Hit the Ground Running

Launching a business during a pandemic requires some creative thinking.

Michael Barney has been part of the automotive business for 25 years, so when an industry colleague was laid off due to COVID-19 and had an idea about launching an automotive quality assurance staffing company while small businesses were closing left and right, Barney was more than a bit skeptical that it could work.

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Unpacking Financial Jargon

Every financial institution seems to have its own unique vocabulary and with it, a whole lot of jargon that can make an already intimidating situation seem almost impossible.

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