Convert your unpaid invoices into immediate cash for your business.
In the B2B world, companies regularly face the challenge of maintaining steady cash flow while waiting for customer payments. This creates a cash flow gap for the company. There are many ways to bridge this gap; often, businesses turn to their banker for a traditional bank loan. But is a bank loan the best choice for your business? And what if the banks say NO?
An alternative financing solution is factoring. Factoring is a popular and practical alternative to traditional bank loans and other forms of financing. But what exactly is factoring, and how does it work? Let’s dive into the details of factoring, exploring its definition, processes involved, benefits, and potential drawbacks. Understanding factoring can be a valuable asset for your business.
Factoring, also referred to as accounts receivable financing, is a type of financing in which a company sells its accounts receivable (outstanding invoices) to a third party known as a factor. The factor will then advance up to 90% of the accounts receivable and also manage the accounts by collecting payments from the customers and following up when payments are past due. Upon receipt of payment, the factor is paid its fee and then remits the remaining unadvanced balance to the company. It’s very important to understand that factoring can be a vital cash flow tool for business growth.
In simple terms, factoring is the purchase of accounts receivable at a discount, which allows a business to convert its unpaid invoices into immediate cash. And accounts receivable financing is both flexible and virtually limitless when a company sells on terms to creditworthy customers—its access to capital is directly related to its sales, not to financial statements or personal credit scores.
The process of factoring helps businesses unlock the cash tied up in their invoices. Here’s how factoring works:
There are four main types of factoring:
Sky Business Credit offers recourse factoring.
Factoring offers several benefits to businesses:
Improved Cash Flow
Factoring provides an immediate infusion of cash, allowing businesses to cover their operational expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and meet their financial obligations without waiting for customer payments.
Improved Risk Management
As a condition of factoring, factors will conduct a credit review of the business’ customers to determine their credit risk. The factor will identify risky credit decisions, which helps the business reduce or even eliminate sales to customers who don’t pay.
Efficient Collections Process
Factoring eliminates the need for businesses to allocate resources and time to collect payments. The factor handles the collections process, enabling the business to invest that time and effort into other, more valuable activities such as new sales/business development.
Flexibility and Scalability
Factoring can be tailored to suit the specific needs of businesses. Whether the factoring agreement encompasses one customer or all customers, factoring provides flexibility and scalability as a business’s financial requirements change over time.
There are many ways factoring can help a business including, but not limited to:
Factoring offers quick, flexible access to funding that improves cash flow and funds growth, without additional debt.
Factoring is for growing companies that are unable to increase sales or take on new business because they don’t have adequate cash flow. They may be waiting on customers to pay invoices or need to front costs for supplies or overhead, among other challenges. Financing your receivables with factoring can keep you afloat and help the business grow and thrive.
Industries that may benefit from factoring include, but are not limited to:
The primary role of a factor is to purchase a business’s accounts receivable (invoices) and, in exchange, provide immediate cash advances. But a factor provides other valuable services, too, including:
The business gets real-time access to everything we know: reports of outstanding invoices, payments, collection notes, etc. Our clients rely on us to keep track of what they have outstanding. The business benefits from daily, monthly, and/or year-end reporting when they work with a factor.
While eligibility and qualifications for factoring may vary, here are the key factors Sky considers when evaluating our clients:
The approval process to factor may vary; Sky’s three-step approval to factor is quick and easy:
The time from application to funding is approximately two to four business days. Sky will move as quickly as the business responds.
While factoring offers numerous advantages, there are a few things to consider:
Customer Perception
Factors will work directly with your customers to collect payment. However, customers’ accounts are used to paying invoices through outside third parties—and typically accounting is the only department that notices the change in remittance. In addition, factors are professionals at managing and collecting receivables.
Factoring fees can be higher, depending on how you use it and what you compare it to. In most cases, it’s less than credit card processing fees. It’s also less expensive than passing on a sales opportunity because you lack the cash to produce and deliver.
Quality of Receivables
Factors evaluate the creditworthiness of a business’s customers before purchasing their invoices. If a business’s customers have poor credit or bad payment histories, factors may either decline to purchase those invoices or offer a lower funding limit for those customers. The business can also then use this information to mitigate bad risks.
Factoring is a type of alternative financing that is not as well-known as traditional bank financing. Here are some common questions about factoring:
How does factoring differ from a bank loan?
At the highest level, factoring is a sale of accounts receivable in exchange for immediate cash. A bank loan is a debt that involves borrowing a specific amount of money for a fixed term and with set repayment terms.
What are the costs and fees associated with factoring?
Sky Business Credit charges a straightforward discount fee, starting between 1.5-3% of the amount of the invoice. Fees depend upon a few factors, such as the size of the account, whether the customer has monthly minimums for factoring or none, the industry the business is in, and the length and flexibility of the contract. With Sky, there are no additional fees, monthly or otherwise.
Are factoring fees deductible?
Yes. Factoring fees can be deducted as a business expense.
How long does it take to get funded through factoring?
It’s almost immediate. From application review to finalizing legal documents, the process can take as little as 24-48 hours.
Can I still factor if my business has poor credit?
Yes, you can still factor if you or your business have poor credit. Sky doesn’t care about your personal credit score. We care about how creditworthy your customers are.
How does the factor evaluate my customers’ credit?
Commercial credit reporting agencies are used such as Dunn & Bradstreet and Cortera. If your customer has a track record of on-time payments, we can almost certainly work with you.
Can I factor invoices that are already past due?
It depends. We will discuss your immediate cash flow needs and maximize your initial funding with the outstanding invoices. If the invoice is past due, we’ll verify the invoice and when it’s going to be paid to determine your funding options.
Will factoring impact my relationship with my customers?
This is a top concern of many businesses. The truth is, customers are used to paying invoices through outside third parties—they don’t care who is listed on the invoice! In addition, we’re professionals at managing and collecting receivables and we try to be as least intrusive as possible.
If you have other questions about factoring, we want to answer them! Reach out to talk.
If your business needs cash flow to grow, it’s important to carefully evaluate your specific financial needs, consider the associated costs and risks, and assess whether factoring aligns with your long-term objectives. We want you to make an informed decision that’s best for your business and can help you by providing honest, direct insights into your financing options.
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